Fill the form below A. Initial DetailsSECTION*JOB DESCRIPTION*DATE*BUILDINGROOMCATEGORY*TEACHINGGENERALMAINTANANCEOFFICEOTHERSplitterB. Process FlowNo of Affected Employees/Students*Developer/s:*Approver/s:*SeparatorC. Referenced DocumentationType*SANSLegisOtherVHEMBE TVET COLLEGE DocDOCUMENT TITTLE*Type*SANSLegisOtherVHEMBE TVET COLLEGE DocDOCUMENT TITTLE*SplitterD. Assessment of HazardTusk*Sub-Tusk*Hazards (Aspects)*Risk (Impact)*S/H/E*SafetyHealthEnvironmentSvy*Pby*Fq*Lgn*Ri*Existing control measures*Control Type (Elimination- El, Substitution - Su, Isolation - Is, Engineering- En, Administration - Ad, PPE )*Is there a safe work procedure available for this activity?*NoYesSplitterE. Risk ControlHazard No.*Additional Control Description (What should be done in the future to control the risk? What can be done to eliminate or further reduce the risk?)*Control Type (Elimination, Substitution, Isolation, Engineering, Administration, PPE)*Person Responsible*Target Date*Date Completed*Send Error occured. Please confirm your data and submit again: