The college has developed the following strategic plan in consultation with DHET, Vhembe District and Local Municipalities, college staff and students. These strategic goals are in alignment with the national strategic goals of the Department of Higher Education and Training.
Strategic Goal 1
Increase the number of skilled youth by expanding access to education and training for the youth.
The college intends to increase the number to 35 003 in 2019. Infrastructure will be upgraded and new classrooms / workshops will be built. The college will also install modern equipment. The College remains in need of the basic infrastructural requirement given the high risk identified towards addressing access. In the face of the present economic status, a high proportion of students drawn from the catchment area are anticipated to require financial assistance with enrolment fees. There is an increased demand on scarce resources such as water. The Vhembe Region has poor road infrastructure that limits access. The college curriculum reflects a revised and updated Programme and Qualifications Mix (PQM).
Strategic Goal 2
Adequately capacitated individual institutions for effective provision or facilitation of learning.
The college will train lecturing staff in teaching and assessment methodologies. The lecturing staff will get workplace exposure. In order to support the teaching staff, the administrative and support staff will also be trained in their areas of responsibility. College policies will be reviewed and implemented that will adequately support the staff. The college intends to also incorporate innovative teaching and learning methodologies, e.g. e-learning in order to improve results. Vhembe region has a limited number of industries for students’ workplace exposure during the qualification. The college plans to extend partnerships to outside provinces.
Strategic Goal 3
Increase the number of students successfully entering the labour market upon completion of training.
The college will form strong and on-going relationships with employers in the local, provincial and national industries engaging with them in the assessment of quality of the college training. The feedback from the employers will then assist the college in adapting the training to reflect technological changes in the workplace environment. The college, on the other hand, will offer training opportunities to up skill local employers’ staff.
Strategic Goal 4
A college curriculum that is responsive to the demands of the market place and can transform and adapt quickly and effectively to changing skills needs, with a special emphasis on artisan training. The college intends to purchase modern (up-to-date) and relevant equipment.Lecturers will be trained on technical skills and exposed to the latest developments and trends. The number of learnerships, skills programmes and artisanal programmes will be increased. A satellite campus is established specifically for these programmes. The college will in this MTEF period focus on improving pass/throughput rate, certification rate and lower drop out rate.