College Council


   Message by the Chairperson of the College Council

It gives me great pleasure to present to you Vhembe TVET College message. Our task as Council is to do oversight and monitor the activities to Council. Enjoy reading this message and let us build Vhembe TVET College together. Our commitment to work with Tribal Council and Vho – Thovhele is good news. The foundation for a better life has been laid for our students. In the spirit of new patriotism, we are rising to the heights. Vhembe TVET College is filling with hope about the bright future that beckons.

The College has seven campuses (namely Makwarela, Mavhoi, Mashamba, Tshisimani, Thengwe, Shingwedzi and Musina). The College offers NC (V), Report 191 Business Studies and Engineering Studies. The College established an Entrepreneurship and Incubation Centre at Makwarela Campus, which trains students to become entrepreneurs in Engineering.  The College is working with SETAs such as SSETA, PSETA, MQA, Bank SETA, Construction SETA, and Energy SETA to deliver quality teaching and learning and skills programmes.

  • To provide quality technical and vocational education and training services and increase academic achievement and success of students by providing adequate resources.
  • To have adequate infrastructure and systems in place to increase access and provide effective services to students.
  • To develop partnerships and maintain good stakeholder relations to increase the number of students who are adequately prepared to enter the labour market or further and higher learning opportunities.
  • To ensure continuous business excellence in terms of good corporate governance and effectual management of all college resources as well as information and data reporting.
  • To monitor and evaluate all college processes in terms of the TVET College Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and report quarterly on college performance in this regard.
  • Our vision is to deliver quality assured and responsive programmes to our stakeholders.
  • Together, we can do more to promote teaching and learning.
  • Working together, we will build Vhembe TVET College to the highest level.

Lastly, Vhembe TVET College firmly believe that leadership diversity brings a wealth of experience that should not be underestimated. We are at the advanced stage in terms of financial management, for the past two years in succession, we got unqualified Audit opinion from the Audit General of South Africa. We also have a special focus on financial management in our institution Vhembe TVET College.

Dr Ravhura TI

Chairperson of Vhembe TVET College

Council Members



1)     Dr TI Ravhura Council Chairperson
2)     Ms T Monare Deputy Chairperson
3)     Mr MV Ramarumo Council Secretary
4)     Dr FL Mutuvhi Council Member
5)     Dr KF Netshiombo Council Member
6)     Ms NHK Mabapa Council Member
7)     Mr A Khorommbi Council Member
8)      Mr NJ Lesolang Council Member
9)     Mr KF Madumetja Council Member
10)  Dr GL Maluleke Council Member
11) Dr TO Mayayise Council Member
12) Ms BR Hlekane Council Member
13) Mr TA Rathogwa Council Member
14) Miss S Maluleke Council Member
15) Mr N Mulaudzi Council Member
16) Ms M Booi Council Member